Could not connect to GoDota2 | ACCOUNT
Steam IDYour SteamID64.
JoinedThe day that first time you login y/m/d h:m:s.
Steam Profile StatusYour steam profile page, it is viewable for everyone or only you.
LevelYour current level, exp up when people enter your referral code.
EXP statusYour exp status, you need play or invite to get level up.
EXP (Total play)Exp amount is added based on your total play, +1 every 50,000.
Total InvitedNumber of people who enter your referral code.
Withdraw ActiveYour account can make withdraw or not.
BalanceYour current coins.
Withdraw AvailableThe available for withdraw.
Lifetime Total PlayThe total play of your account.
Daily GiftHow many times you use daily gift.
Lifetime Total DailyThe total coins that you receive from daily gift.